Testing Restaurant  - union square 120 st, Sacramento, California, USA 11111

Authentic Customer Reviews for RBG Bar & Grill Oakland

The following customer reviews are submitted by patrons after they have dined or enjoyed drinks at Testing Restaurant . These reviews are the opinions of the customer that reflect their experience at our restaurant.

2 Reviews from Our Customers

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Food Quality 100%
Service 100%
Value 100%
Cleanliness 100%
Ambience 100%
Noise 100%

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April 26, 2017
"Solid Continental Breakfast to Start The Day”

I decided to try out the continental breakfast fare at RBG in the morning after my night's stay at The Radisson. I figured I would grab a quick bite....

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April 28, 2017
"Good Beer and Apps. Perfect place for catching a Warriors Game”

Came here to watch the Warriors beat Portland and advance in the Playoffs. The Beer is cold and tasty and the apps are delish. I had some chili con....

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